2021 family photo at Faurot Park in Lima, Ohio | photo by Spotless Photography
Connecting the economy to our humanity
“I’m passionate about finding a way for the economy and technology to serve humanity, not the other way around. In fact, I consider it an important mission under the umbrella of loving my neighbor.”
Jennifer Brogee examines the intersection between economics, society, entrepreneurship, and faith. She also practices human centered design and usability, related to both software development and business development.
Her passion for entrepreneurship in the service of society spills into her startup experiences. Jennifer was a founding member and the technology leader of the team that created myStaffingPro, a software-as-a-service applicant tracking system. She became the company’s first CIO and led at myStaffingPro through its acquisition by Fortune 500 company, Paychex, in 2013.
During that time, Jennifer and founders launched The Meeting Place on Market in 2003, a coffee shop in downtown Lima, Ohio, as a labor of love. The Coworking Center and Shop for Good were both founded in 2019.
She is an associate professor of business at the University of Northwestern Ohio where she primarily teaches entrepreneurship and international business/ development economics.
Jennifer received her BA from Anderson University (IN) in business management, and her MBA from Eastern University (PA) in economic development. She is a Certified Usability Analyst through Human Factors International.