what if we saw business as a force for good?
5 Things Entrepreneurs Should Do Now to Prepare for a Recession
After going through The Great Recession as an entrepreneur, I learned what works and what doesn’t. Here are five things entrepreneurs can do now to prepare for a recession.
Why I broke up with software development
When you know that user satisfaction is impacted by a lot of non-technical decisions that are out of your control, it is demoralizing to build something you sense has business integration and usability flaws.
Delegate and Increase Your Impact
As I mentor leaders, I find a direct correlation with their ability to delegate and their success as a leader. Leaders are often hesitant to delegate because they fear losing some power or authority over their domain if someone else can do what they do.
When you delegate wisely, taking time to invest into the person to whom you have assigned a task, you will increase your power and influence.
Can a Coworking Center
survive in a small city in the Midwest?
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