what if we saw business as a force for good?
The Vulnerability of a Son and the Hope of Restoration

An Unlikely Guardian Angel in an Aviation Jacket
A unlikely guardian angel stopped by to rescue us from a flat tire in the midst of negative 51 windchill.

The Coffee House Diaries 11.12.2003: Two speeches, twenty years apart
two speeches, twenty years apart, both at the Downtown Lima, Inc. annual meeting

Are you ready to be an entrepreneur? Take this assessment and find out
Take this assessment and find out if the time is right for you to jump into entrepreneurship. Are you ready?

The Coffee House Diaries 11.22.2002: Asking for Money
After being rejected for loans, we turn to our friends and family to help finance our startup.

The Future of Clean Energy: Natural Gas and Nuclear
Producing the lowest possible emissions from nuclear power and natural gas, we can greatly reduce the damage that is done to our Earth, prolonging its life.

How Pollution Impacts Our Brains
A vast majority of us are completely unaware of how climate change and air pollution affect our brains and cognitive function. I will be exposing a few ways in which our brains are being affected by pollution and its outcome of it

The Coffee House Diaries 05.31.2002: Pitching the Business Plan
Does shopping a business plan and raising toddlers mix?

The Coffee House Diaries 07.01.2002: The First Investor
The Coffee House Diaries continue. Who steps in to make a huge difference in making the small business a reality?

The Coffee House Diaries 01.22.2002
Kevin (my husband) and Jim (my brother) serving coffee and sandwiches at a tasting event before we were ready to open. 4/16/2003

My Word of the Year: SURRENDER
My word of the year: Surrender. What will happen if I say Yes to what life brings me?

Excited to Share Our Passion for Serving the Community
We were a finalist for the Dream Big Awards by the US Chamber of Commerce - and here is our award ceremony video.

The Surprising Realities of Immigration in the United States and Europe
A college student shares his immigration experience, and provides arguments against the common myths immigrants hear in America.

5 Things Entrepreneurs Should Do Now to Prepare for a Recession
After going through The Great Recession as an entrepreneur, I learned what works and what doesn’t. Here are five things entrepreneurs can do now to prepare for a recession.
Would We Transform Work with 20 Positive Interactions for Every Negative One?
Transform your relationships at work and home by balancing out one negative interaction with twenty positive ones.

Why I broke up with software development
When you know that user satisfaction is impacted by a lot of non-technical decisions that are out of your control, it is demoralizing to build something you sense has business integration and usability flaws.

Social Entrepreneurship, Coffee House Style
Photo of The Meeting Place on Market in downtown Lima, taken by a friend.

Delegate and Increase Your Impact
As I mentor leaders, I find a direct correlation with their ability to delegate and their success as a leader. Leaders are often hesitant to delegate because they fear losing some power or authority over their domain if someone else can do what they do.
When you delegate wisely, taking time to invest into the person to whom you have assigned a task, you will increase your power and influence.

Business Plan Launch Outline
Use this template to test out on paper your new idea for a product or service that you want to bring to the world through the marketplace.

The Scourge of Africa’s Brain Drain
The phenomenon of brain drain is often discussed from the developed country’s point of view. However, I believe looking at it from the African perspective and leaving our Eurocentric lens could lead us to think in a very different way. While we often discuss why people leave their countries, we tend to forget what they are leaving behind.

Can a Coworking Center
survive in a small city in the Midwest?
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