what if we saw business as a force for good?
When you ignore the natural laws of economics your business will fail
I’m experimenting with a different way of teaching business, or at least different than the way I was taught. I was taught business using a very practical approach, where I learned about how to observe markets and how to run a business. There were a few natural laws thrown in but I would like to approach it from a scientific “law” based approach.
Excuses for Economic Misbehavior
A friend of mine was asking the other day why we can’t have a working economy that cares for people. Good question – why can’t we?
Usability Countdown
It is possible to have a dynamic career site that attracts high quality applicants, while reducing the time to fill. The below strategies will give you a jump start in making a super usable career site.
The Price of a Brand
I just heard about another couple of chains coming to my hometown. When I hear people getting excited about this news, I cringe, because I have come to realize the potentially negative impact of chain stores and restaurants on the local economy.
Know Thyself and Thy Coworker
How knowing your coworker’s personality style can improve your job performance.
Free to Live
Sometimes we get so wrapped in our to-dos, in perfecting our trade, that we forget what it’s all about. It’s about living. Business, technology, human resources, education, all of it is about making it through life with peace, love, grace, dignity, and comfort.
Can a Coworking Center
survive in a small city in the Midwest?
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